Sunshine Blogger Award – on books, swimming, and fun facts

I love being tagged in book tags, and this one feels even more special because it has the word “award” in it (yes, I’m one of those people). Huge thank you to Amelia for nominating me–y’all should go check out her blog for sure 💜

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How does it work?

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

What was the book that made you fall in love with reading?

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LOVER book tag

I’m not a huge Taylor Swift person. Some of her music is alright–especially her older stuff–but she isn’t really my jam most of the time. That said, when I saw there was a book tag going around, inspired by her new album, Lover, with tons of prompts based on character love stories (and a few other topics), I knew I had to get in on it. So I stole this from the lovely dinipandareads (go check out her answers as well!) and am happy to show off my own list now!

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Anything But Books tag

Oh boy, this is my first time actually being tagged in a book tag! I was tagged by tiffshea at Reading to Escape (thank you!!) to complete this series of questions on “anything but books,” so you can get a snapshot of what I do when my nose isn’t stuck between pages. Apologies in advance for my indecision on so many of these.

Name a cartoon character than you love.
Um…can I pick two? I love Squidward, from Spongebob, and Princess Carolyn, from BoJack Horseman. Both are highly relatable (unfortunately).

What is your favorite song right now?
“Sisyphus” by Andrew Bird or “Bulletproof Baby” by The Struts. These are liable to change at any moment.

What could you do for hours (that isn’t reading)?
I feel like “writing” is a cop-out, but seriously, especially when working on a technically tricky type of poetry, I get in my zone and lose track of time altogether. If I’m not allowed to say that, then I’ll go with “folding origami while listening to music/podcasts.” Or napping.

What is something you love to do that your followers would be surprised by?
I perform spoken word poetry, which I love. But more interestingly, I can rap. Like, pretty damn well. I have quite a few poetry videos, and I can probably dig up an old rap one somewhere…let me know in the comments if you would like to see some of those in a future post!

What is your favorite unnecessarily specific thing to learn about?
I have so many! Mental health conditions (common and rare alike), anything that has to do with interesting data manipulation or innovative data visualizations, sociopaths, ethics of AI…I’m all over the place.

What is something unusual you know how to do?
As I said before, I can write and perform raps, which is not super common (especially for a white girl). And, while not necessarily something I KNOW how to do, I have perfect pitch, so I can identify any note just by hearing it, or sing a specified pitch on command without a reference note.

Name something you’ve made in the last year (and show us, if you can).
This origami rhino with a little haiku on why it’s important to help them! I made it for GISH, the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt, which I do every summer 😊

What is your most recent personal project?
This blog. Trying to get it going, post more regularly, get some more followers, etc. Well, that and preparing for the LSAT, but that’s a very loose interpretation of “personal project.”

Tell us something you think about often (possibly while staring out of windows).
How frequently humans squander potential because of indecision (myself included), the unstoppability of time, and how much exclusionists and asexual erasure annoy me.

Give us something that’s your favorite, but make it oddly specific.
Favorite Green Day album: American Idiot, obviously (closely followed by Revolution Radio and Dookie, with an honorable mention to Warning)

Say the first thing that pops into your head:
These boots were made for walking. (I just saw my cowboy boots on the floor, if you’re wondering what prompted that.)

So, that’s me beyond the pages of books! Hopefully you all learned something or were at least mildly entertained. I tag TBR And Beyond, Paperbacks and Planners, Life With All the Books, Wayfaring Bibliomaniac, and Dusk Angel Reads, as well as anyone else reading this who hasn’t been tagged yet but feels inclined to participate.